Ministry of industry Aprentanceship for all Pakistan 2020|apprenticeship pakistan 2020
Published on Nov 19, 2020
Fixed basikc pay of the given scales plus medical allowance will be paid on monthly basis as stipend during the Apprenticeship.
1. The Prescribed Degree/Diploma/Certificate indicated against each post shall be from/of recognized University/College/institute.
2. Only short listed candidates will be called for test, interview and no TADA will be admissible.
3. The Centre reserves the rights to fill or not fill any of the advertised position.
4. The candidates must bring original documents at the time of their interview.
5. The Certificate will be awarded on successful completion of Apprenticeship.
6. The Centre does not extend any job guarantee at the end of the Apprenticeship period.
How to App
1. All interested candidates may apply by submitting applications available on website and pay the fee
Rs. 200/- (non-refundable / non-transferable) in any branch of National Bank of Pakistan, NBP (non-refundable) Account title: PITAC
Receipt Account No. 0479003003430896 with National Bank of Pakistan, PCSIR Branch, Ferozepur Road, Lahore or through Pay Order
(PO/Demand Draft (DD) in the favour of DG, PITAC, Lahore.
2. All Candidates should attach paid bank challan with application form and send it to Director (Training Division), 234-Ferozepur Road,
Near Metro Bus Canal Station, Lahore. Phone:-92 42 99230699, +92 42 99230701-2
3. The candidates are required to submit applications within 15 days from the date of publication of the advertisement.
Please send Application Form to the address:
Director (Training Division
PITAC, 234-Ferozepur Road,
PIDL) 1449
Near Metro Bus Canal Station, Lahore-54600
Thanks for your message. We are away and cant respond right now we appreciate you reaching out.